Tuesday, July 29, 2008


www.WickedCharleston.net ~ www.BlackCatTours.com ~ www.MarkRJones.net

Two women were charged with prostitution in Camden County (Missouri) on Thursday after they were arrested in a sting operation at a Lake Ozark hotel last week.Two other women were also arrested, and three of the women are pregnant.

Alexandra Wells and Allysia Waldrop were both charged on Thursday. Waldrop is pregnant, but is not known if Wells is also.The undercover bust went down at a Lake Ozark area hotel after the sheriff's department received several reports that pregnant women were advertising prostitution on an internet advertising site.One of the women arrested was eight months pregnant, another six months pregnant, and another was three months pregnant. They ranged in age from 18 to 22 years old.

(No comment - Mark.)

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