Friday, February 1, 2008


No, but I have a problem with that radio commerical. Has anyone other than me decided to NEVER call Van's Tree Service if you need tree work? They have the MOST annoying, cloying and shameless radio commercial. Van uses his grandson in the commercials.

First of all: what a low thing to do -- use a kid to promote your business. Obvously, Van's never read Dickens and his tales of child labor. The kid is whiny and annoying. One of those kids we all roll our eyes at in public. His parents (and obviously grandparents) thinks he's cute, but I can promise you ... he's not!

Join my boycott. If you ever need tree work. NEVER CALL VAN'S TREE SERVICE.


gene said...

OMG. I so feel the same way. I either turn the radio off or switch to another station. It is the very worst!

Scarlett said...

Hey, I lived in Charleston for a while and am saving to move back so I lurk around. I live in Asheville, NC now and we have a very similar concept....Leicster (pronounced lester) Carpet Sales. They use their children in ALL OF THEM. The main bad child actor has a cross between Minnie Mouse on Helium lisp. The curtain commericial is the kids being the adults "driving to Leister Carpet Sales showroom, with the adults "playing" the whiny children in the back seats.
Then we have another one by Window World. These are senior citizens who repeatedly say "winner world". Drives me insane!

revron75 said...

It has become such a sad day when so many idiots find their way to Charleston, SC. I grew up there and I know tha Van's Tree Service has served the community very well since 1968. If you had a brain your head you would know that Van's Tree Service is a family own and operated business. A sound word of advice...get rid of all your radios, then you wouldn't have to worry about whinning about something. Or maybe just sit your head in the sand and let the rest of us in this world get by without dealing with idiots like you. Or better yet go hug a tree, that sounds right up your alley.