Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Have you ever looked at the photos of emaciated survivors of WWII concentration camps and thought: "Man, those people are sexy!" Thought not. Then why do so many women (celebrities in particular) think looking like one of those survivors is sexy?

Take Keira Knightley (no thanks ... you take her.) She was great in Pride & Prejudice and also in all the Pirates movies . . . but look at her now.Might as well be dating a broomstick. The last time I thought girls with prepubescent bodies were sexy was 1974.

But even worse . . . Teri Hatcher, once the sexy Lois Lane on TV's Superman has turned into ... I'm not sure what she looks like . . . a younger Phyllis Diller?


However, she looks even more like . . . . Michael Jackson.

Michael is the one on the right.
Call me old fashioned. I like women who look like . . . women!

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